Children’s Ramayana

4.5 ( 6785 ratings )
Bildung Bücher
Entwickler DC BOOKS
2.99 USD

The Ramayana is one of the two great Indian epics,the other being the Mahabharata.Ramayana is a great way to introduce the kids to the greatness and essence of a true Hindu culture.Valmikis Ramayana is believed to be the first poetic work written in Sanskrit; it is, therefore, referred to as the Adikavya.
The hero, Rama, lived his whole life by the rules of dharma; in fact, that was why Indian consider him heroic. When Rama was a young boy, he was the perfect son. Later he was an ideal husband to his faithful wife, Sita, and a responsible ruler of Aydohya.Rama, prince of Ayodhya, won the hand of the beautiful princess Sita, but was exiled with her and his brother Laksmana for 14 years through the plotting of his stepmother. In the forest Sita was abducted by Ravana, and Rama gathered an army of monkeys to search for her. The allies attacked Lanka, killed Ravana, and rescued Sita.After the couples triumphant return to Ayodhya, Ramas righteous rule (Ram-raj) inaugurated a golden age for all mankind.

App Features

->The app has flip book effect.
->App optionally remembers last page to automatically take you where you left.
->The pages in the book can be bookmarked.
->The book can be viewed in two views,landscape view and portrait view .
->Landscape view display pages in two page view and portrait view displays in one page view.
->A slider is present which help to seek particular pages of book and for fast page navigation in forward or reverse.
->The app also offers puzzles and quiz during the course of book reading.
->App consists of images of various Ramayana characters,sound effects and animations.
->Font size of the pages can be changed as required by user.

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